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Advice For Parents: Common Challenges In Early Motherhood

Written by: Biostime Nutrition

No one ever said the early stages of motherhood are easy, particularly if it’s your first time round. Often, a new mother can become so involved with their new role as a mum that they may not focus on their own wellbeing. However, prioritising self care and your own happiness during the postpartum period is just as equally as important as the baby’s.

While it can be easier said than done, understanding the different challenges that can come with being new parents can help make a world of difference. Below are some of the common considerations women have during early childhood.

Sleep deprivation as new parents

You’ll often hear plenty of advice for new mums around their baby’s sleep. After all, sleep deprivation is probably the biggest challenge of any new mother. Soothing a restless baby to sleep and feeding them throughout the night and early morning can weigh down your eyes, personality and relationship with your partner, family and friends. Don’t let sleep deprivation get the better of you, or come between you and your baby.

Understanding your newborns sleep needs can be one of the biggest parenting challenges in the early days. From learning the cues of when your baby is getting tired to settling back in at home, it can take time to learn your baby’s behaviour and get into a routine.

Newborns need more sleep than adults, so the next time your baby gets some shut eye during the day, it’s a cliché but you should too. Sure, your clothes, bedding, and dishes need a wash but your sleep should be higher on the priority list. Dad, grandma, grandpa, auntie, uncle and many others will be keen to lend you a hand with the duties around the house, so that you can enjoy a dream too.

Baby blues and postpartum emotions

For a few days after giving birth, many women can experience feelings of uncertainty, sadness and irritability. These emotions can often feel unexpected after months of awaiting the face-to-face introduction, however they are completely normal especially in early motherhood.

Baby blues occur because pregnancy hormones are rapidly changing into breastfeeding hormones, accompanied by your feelings of exhaustion from the labour and infant care, and feeling overwhelmed with your new responsibility. You may also find that you feel overwhelmed in the first few days, especially with plenty of people offering advice to new parents. Typically, baby blues will usually go away after a few days, without the need for treatment. Instead, try to focus on getting plenty of rest and support from your family and friends and you will hopefully start to feel better in a short period of time.

If the blues last longer than a month, or if you feel worried or concerned then you should seek advice and support from your doctor.

Postpartum body image struggles

Let’s just say it – trying to achieve an immediate post-baby ‘celebrity’ transformation is unrealistic. Many women take a long time to get back to their pre-pregnancy body, and that’s fine. The body is once again undergoing enormous changes and you need to give it some time to recover.

It generally takes six to eight weeks for your uterus to return back to its normal size and you should wait for this to happen before you start trying to exercise again. In the meantime, you can still make gentle exercise part of your daily routine. Some exercises to try include a walk with your baby and partner, or swimming. When you feel fit enough, gradually increase your physical activity expenditure to burn more calories. It’s always best to check in with your doctor or healthcare professional before you start exercising again.

Accompany your exercise with a healthy and nutritious diet, especially if breastfeeding. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats and choose low-fat dairy; these food groups offer a variety of nutrients that will help support your recovery. Remember to eat the rainbow.

Should I look like this?

You may have some other changes on your body and be wondering if they are permanent. Hips may be wider and skin possibly looser in certain areas but stretch and operational marks, and the dark lining around the stomach will become less noticeable with time. As you can see, there’re some bodily changes that are modifiable and others that come with being a mother. Many women feel comfortable again in their own skin and embrace their new bodies after multiple pregnancies, and you can too in your own time!

What are the hardest weeks as a new mum?

Most new mums find the first six to eight weeks the hardest. This is due to a range of factors like getting used to a new routine and also getting to know your little one and their needs. However, this will depend on you and your baby, as well as the type of support that you have around you. Keep in mind that there are plenty of resources available that help tackle some of the most common new mum struggles, as well as parenthood challenges through the months and years.

How to enjoy early motherhood

Despite the struggles of motherhood, there are plenty of moments to enjoy. Whether it’s their first smile, laugh or a cuddle on the couch, being mindful and in the moment can go a long way in enjoying the early weeks. Remember to rely on those around you and always reach out to professionals if you feel like you need help.

Looking for more information on preconception and pregnancy? The Biostime Parent Lounge has articles and useful tips around pregnancy, postpartum and parenting.

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